On his home planet of Xerbix 319, the Broken Heart Robot was one of the rare robots built without a purpose. Sadden by this, he fled Xerbix 319 and traveled the galaxy to seek out his purpose.
Along the way, the Broken Heart Robot met many interesting characters on various planets, moons and asteroids, and eventually landed on a small planet known as Earth. Though he has yet to find his purpose, he may just find a few new friends to help him with his quest!
Where To Buy
The Broken Heart Robot is available at most all of the usual urban vinyl/ indie art toy boutiques and comic book stores. These stores will have available to them the Standard Edition at a Suggested Retail Price of $39.95 and the Glow In The Dark Edition at a Suggested Retail Price of $49.95 (make sure and contact your favorite vinyl toy retailer and ask them if they will be stocking Broken Heart Robot!).
A small quantity of the Clear Edition (previously available only at the San Diego Comic-Con) will be available at select retailers and at our WebStore. The Blank Edition (currently less than 50 pieces) at $39.95 is only available direct from our WebStore.
Following is a very partial list of some of the retailers who are currently carrying the Broken Heart Robot:
Wholesale Inquires
For wholesale info please contact DKE TOYS at dkelemer@aol.com
Additional Info
The Broken Heart Robot character was conceived and designed by Craig Anthony Perkins, a musician, photographer, designer and author by trade, and now, toy maker! Craig is the founder and creative director of GENSHI:TOY a division of Genshi Media Group.
The prototype for the Broken Heart Robot toy was created with the help of the wonderful folks at Atomic Monkey!
The Broken Heart Robot was manufactured by ThreeZero in Hong Kong. The Broken Heart Robot is 6 inch vinyl figure and includes windowed box packaging with a blister tray.
For additional information, please contact us at info [at] BrokenHeartRobot [dot] com
News Updates:
Broken Heart Robots Seen In Wired Magazine Article!
I discovered an interesting article today in the U.K edition of Wired Magazine. It talks of how researchers are experimenting with giving robots the ability to “sense” when their human owners are upset and to then avoid their angry owners.
What caught my eye though was that the picture they used for the article was one I took of my Broken Heart Robot toys! I’m very honored that Wired Magazine chose my Broken Heart Robot as the image (inspiration?) for the story.

Broken Heart Robot in Wired Magazine
The article was written by Katie Scott for Wired U.K. (Online editing by Holden Firth.) / Link
Broken Heart Robot SOLD OUT!
Well, I have officially sold out of all colorways of my Broken Heart Robot and from what I understand, most of the retailers have sold out as well! There still may be a small chance of finding a Broken Heart Robot at your favorite retailer, just bug them a bit to see if they have any hidden in the back storeroom!
I would like to thank everyone that have helped to make my Broken Heart Robot a huge success (that means YOU the fans!).
As a fun little treat, I had some wonderful people help me to create a simple Broken Heart Robot comic (thanks Jim MacQuarrie and Mordechai Luchins!) which was given out at last year's San Diego Comic-Con 2006; now reformatted in storyboard form for your online viewing pleasure (yes, the rumors are true, talks are underway to turn Broken Heart Robot into an Animated Series.)

WebStore ONLINE!
Our online WebStore is now active, so if you are having trouble finding a Broken Heart Robot at your favorite retailer, you can now order direct through this site! We have very small quantities on hand so make sure to get yours before they are all gone!
Order your very own Broken Heart Robot today, and give a sad little robot a good home! / Link
BHR headed to SDCC!
Broken Heart Robot will be shown at this year's San Diego Comic-Con International at the DKE Toys booth, number 4730. DKE Toys will have the SDCC Exclusive Clear Edition of Broken Heart Robot for sale at very limited quantities and will be giving away buttons and temporary tattoos as well.
Also, we will be showing prototypes of a couple of other toys, including a little mischievous alien-frog that happened to stowaway on-board of Broken Heart Robot's ship... have you spotted him on this page yet?
I've also been keeping a sort of photoblog of the making of Broken Heart Robot, from original sketches to final shipped packages. You can view the "Making Of" photoblog here--> / Link
On The Way & Thank You's!
Well, the Broken Heart Robot has been completed and is on its way from the factory in Hong Kong. I wanted to take this time to say thanks to my team that worked hard to pull this all together at the final moments: Joshua Merrill who did the packaging design (and a great job at that) with the worst deadline I could give him, ThreeZero for doing an amazing job at manufacturing these toys and coming in on time, and my distributor Dov of DKE Toys for his guidance and advice every step of the way! Last but not least, a very special thank you to Visnja K., Louvel and Lisa G. for their tremendous support! I couldn't have done it without them!!!
Now, here is a peek at the standard edition of the toy along side the packaging... notice the inside of the box! / Link
Besides the standard edition, Broken Heart Robot will also be available in a limited edition Glow-In-The-Dark version (better known as a GID!) Here is a look at this GID actually glowing... in the DARK! / Link
N.Y. Toy Fair
The Broken Heart Robot made its debut at his first tradeshow this week at the American International Toy Fair in New York. Displayed at the DKE Toys booth, he seemed to get generally favorable reactions based on the tons of emails that have been received from the vistors that stopped by to check him out! The booth was located in a new section of the toy fair called the Urban Bazaar: Indie Art Toys aisle, showing that this trend of designer toys is not only growing, but is here to stay!
Plastic & Plush once again did a great job of covering the show and has posted screen shots of the booth on their site. (notice, in the pics of Broken Heart Robot, the rendering behind him of his little friend Kricky!) / Link
Plastic & Plush
And another lovely little write-up on Broken Heart Robot at PlasticAndPlush.com! I truely appreciate all of the press and support everyone has given me lately. And as a small show of appreciation, I have created a batch of Broken Heart Robot Temporary Tattoos! These will be given out free of charge at various locations sporadically (retailers, trade shows, etc.) and rumor has it, there is currently a small batch at Meltdown Comics on Sunset here in Los Angeles and at Munky King in Chinatown! / Link
Vinyl Pulse
I've had my first write-up on Broken Heart Robot at www.VinylPulse.com and due to that write-up, I have received an enourmous and tremendously positive response! So I would like to extend my thanks to the folks at Vinyl Pulse, and to all of those who've contacted me with such kind words regarding Broken Heart Robot! / Link
Art Series Postcards
So I am toying (no pun intended, really!) with the idea of producing a set of Art Series postcards to help promote the launch of the Broken Heart Robot toy. Click the link for a rough idea of what I am thinking about trying, then email me at info [at] BrokenHeartRobot [dot] com with your feedback! / Link
The Retailers
Now that the Broken Heart Robot toy is nearing completion, I began the talks with potential retailers of the toy. I've met with Gaston of Meltdown Comics and Patrick Lam of Munky King who have both expressed interest in carrying the BHR toy as did Kidrobot.com! To take this to the next level (and based on Gaston's recommendation) the Broken Heart Robot is now in the hands of a Distributor who will take care of getting the toy into other retailers.
The Turn-Around
After 3 revisions, the near final rendering (shown as a turn-around animation) has been completed. I still have some minor tweaking to do on this, but it's close! / Link
First Rendering
I have received the first rendering of my Broken Heart Robot. Looking good right off the bat. From here on out I will be working hand-in-hand with the team on the look and feel of my sculpt to ensure it fits with my original design. / Link
From Design To Toy
Johnny Fisk and the rest of the Atomic Monkey people have given me confidence that this can be done! The Broken Heart Robot is now beginning it's Protoyping process. It begins with a 3D rendering of my initial design and then a physical sculpt from the 3D rendering. / Link
The Beginning
The initial design of the Broken Heart Robot (which was actually designed a few years ago due to an actual broken heart!) has now been sent to Atomic Monkey for discussions on how to make this thing into a toy. / Link